Salary Finder

Salary research has never been easier....

HR Hero’s Salary Finder tool provides the resources to search and access 2,600+ jobs at the national, state, and local level within hundreds of different industries. Salary Finder helps create demographic profiles specific to your organization and then benchmark salaries against market data that are updated twice a year.

  • Ready Case Study:

    Save time and money.  
  • Include data for multiple jobs, metros, states, and industries.
  • Access the most up-to-date market data.
  • Easily export reports to Excel®.
  • Sort mean, 10th, 25th, 75th, and 90th percentile.
  • Empower smarter, data-driven compensation decisions


Three Ways HR Hero® Helped a Busy Casino Save Time and Increase Efficiency

Discover how WinnaVegas Casino conducted a wage survey using HR Hero’s Salary Finder tool for reliable compensation research. Not having to hire a full-time generalist or HR specialist for the project saved the company thousands of dollars.


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